
~~ I know I can shoot my own arrows ~~

rockstar_card rockstar_openThis is a card I created for Fancy Pants Designs’ productspotlight on the “Like Father Like Son”-cards (the paper, that is). The line is, as the name says, excellent for working on masculine stuff with, and we all know that it’s rare when it comes to scrapbooking & products. At least that’s the impression I personally have.

annealbumHere’s a peek on one of the classes I’ll teach at PACS – the minialbum-one. Its mainsponsors will be Elle’s Studio and 3ndypapir.  And hey, notice my fancy nail? Amalie insisted on decorating my nails with her makeup-plaything.


The days are filled with lots of reading (it’s true!), lectures, thinking about my thesis/paper (I’m not quite sure which word is right?), freelancing and – when time allows – scrapbooking. Oh, and if you’ve been wondering why I’m not available at my cellphone for the moment being (come on, you’ve been wondering *cough* ;p) – you can read all about it at my other blog here (in Norwegian).


Title: “Dangerous and sweet” - Lenka

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