
~~ White October ~~

I think I read in BT that it hasn’t been this early snow since 1975 or something like that. Sure, the forecast did warn about snow incoming on Weds, but in my brain that didn’t really compute; it’s too early! :p

Nevertheless. When the view outside your window looks like this:

DSC_5916Then it’s definitely time to do this:

DSC_5886And when your kiddo in addition is at home because he’s sick, then you definitely bake this:



A few things to note:

  • Yes, I changed the tires all on my own *flex* (you’re welcome to say how good a girl I am thankyouverymuch)
  • I’m a manual kinda gal when it comes to shooting. Yet, when leaving the camera to others, I usually put it to Aperture or Shutter-priority (if I’m worried about camera shake). This time I did Aperture-priority and look at this picture my kiddo snapped! I love it, and if I was shooting I would probably not have thought of snapping the motion of the wheels being moved like that – I’d be too worried about sharpness and stuff. Which brings me back to what I’ve been pondering and discussing with some friends earlier – are we missing out on cool possibilities because we’re too afraid to leave the thinking to the camera and rather want to go through trial&error w/manual settings? I mean c’mon – the cameras are like, smarter and better for every new generation, why should we not trust it every once in a while? When I first got my DSLR, I first shot program-mode, then moved on to aperture-mode (occasionally shutter-mode, but mainly aperture) then finally plunged into manual – and haven’t looked back. Thing is, as seen and realized here, I am too focused on doing my best to create tack-sharp and preferably bright images, rarely delving in creating images with motion, which can tell a story just as good or even better than a sharp one. I need to start include motion more in my pictures methinks. This makes me wonder if I should let go of the control-freak in me and just play and go with the flow and learn and be reminded of other perspectives from the other modes. Same thing w/focusing, I’m using single point AF but thinking I should dare test how good dynamic/auto-area AF is...but it’s like, when I mess up the focusing then at least I can go “mkay that one’s on me”, having that as a constant reminder to not slack and keep practising/upholding my skills, instead of cursing at the camera for picking the wrong focus for me….??

  • Um, this is, hands down, the BEST recipe ever on chocolate-buns! Can’t wait to do cinnamon/sugar/almonds or just plain buns w/this one!! (Found it via Ellen’s blog) I mean, I believe I’m pretty good at baking, but this one really really ….yum!

  • Aussie Scrap Source has a challenge going on and I’ve entered it – if you would like to, feel free to drop by, have a look at which layouts/cards you like and vote for the ones you think are best.

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