
~~ Revisiting Old Stash: The Prima Edition ~~


I may have mentioned it here a few times already – I intend to stop feeling bad because I..uh..hoard stuff…and instead try to do something with it..so, as I have a fair bit of mostly old Prima stuff in the house, I’ve decided to try join their challenges from now on in order to help me get rid of some of the stash :p So, here’s my take on their January Sketch..(everything but the brad comes from Prima) here.



And here’s a card I made based on their color-challenge. Here I’m especially proud of myself for using the chipboard-star I’ve had in my drawer for oh, so long, combined w/lace-rubons from Hambly…..I actually stamped too (see tag) – no wait, I embossed…!


I love the papers from this collection (I think it was released back in, hm…2007? Or probably 2008..?) – so pretty & lovely..the ribbonbowthingie was premade, originally intended for another project, but then I changed my mind and just had it clutter my desk until figuring that it’d fit this card if I just slapped some flowers&bling on it :p


Pretty,pretty star…(it was originally white – colored it w/glimmer mist then added the rub-ons upon it..)..plus – bonus for actually using at least two whole sheets on this card.



listening: well, earlier today I listened to my own, recorded voice and damn, that’s so not funny :p
eating: fresh bread w danish salami
drinking: red wine…um, I’ve DESERVED that tonight!
wearing: dark plum-colored sweater, levi’s
feeling: positively exhausted
weather:  not as cold as I feared, still cold though and the snow’s still on the streets
wanting: to go to bed now, but I feel like I have to finish this one first :p (I’ll be glad when February is done :p)
needing: someone to massage my back :p
thinking: about tomorrow and Amalie’s hm, what’s it called…inscription? Admission? She’s gonna visit school tomorrow for an hour or so, say hi to her principal and teacher and some of the classmates she’ll get when she starts school this Fall…I’m so looking forward to it..me and my camera both are ;p plus, we’re gonna have some mommy&daughter-time when done..I am thinking…ICECREAM at the mall…or something like that…we’ll see ;p
enjoying: that I’m soon done writing this status-update! :p oh, and spent the afternoon with a former colleague, that’s always lovely :)
wondering: whether to read some before bed, or to just try to get some sleep immediately :p


listening: to Barne-TV in the background :)
eating: Oreo Cupcakes
drinking: coffee
wearing: my “pyjamas”-tshirt (it’s not, but a friend of mine who also has it uses it as pyjamas and teases me when I’m wearing it like, the regular way)…
feeling: happy, having dived into the nostalgia of my youth :p
weather: snow&friggin cold :( (I’ve been freezing on my feet all day – so not a good sign as I think I’ll be sick soon :( ) 
wanting: to not become sick..
needing: sun..warmth…tea w/honey…sigh..
thinking: no more thinking! My head hurts after trying to work on my online survey (betingede hopp i Opinio, bleh)! And that this free action from MCP Actions, called Mini Fusion is pretty nice :) 
enjoying: Reading through the archives of the old website (started in 1995, I think we stopped updating it in 2001-ish) I once had with my friend Kaja: Kajanias gule sider :D (Mostly Norwegian, although we did have a few pages in English as well), and reading one of my earlier papers on gaming (I wrote about “Everquest – identification and identity”)
wondering: If there really’s gonna be a red carpet at tonight Red Carpet opening of “Dra til sjøs” (a boat convention I’m gonna cover for the paper) (edited to add: I didn’t really see a red carpet at the hall I was at, but I think there might have been at the other place..there were free drinks and snacks though, which, when I think of it, might be why people were so extra positive and happy to talk to me *grin*).


Lacey Said,

5:48 PM

These are fantastic!! I am definitely inspired to create some of my own to hand off to family & friends with photos taken throughout the year!


Awesome! Please do so, for me personally giving away photos has become a way more enjoyable process /fun thing to do now that I also try to make an effort creating cards/envelopes for the CD.

pattyo Said,

1:18 AM

Love your CD holders. I couldn't think of a better way to spend the day--homemade bread, tea, knit sweater and snow! I know I'm probably amoung the few that really love the white stuff--I'm definitely a cold weather person.

Say, do you happen to live somewhere warm-all-year-around? If so, can we swap houses? :p (well actually, I don’t stand the too-hot-days either..hm, I’m hard to please :) )

Maya Said,

8:49 AM

Knallfine....skikkelig stilige var de!! Du er jammen meg kreativ - fatter ikke hvordan du får tid til alt!! Hadde vært kjekt med en liten forklaring på hvordan du har laget de...hadde trent å lage en haug selv men aner ikke hvor jeg skal begynne engang ;-I
Hilsen Maya

Heihei :)

Det er ikke så vanskelig :) Her har du linken til CD-konvluttene, og CD-kortene – det er bare å kutte sånn ca 6x6” vekk fra et 12x12 ark, og så brette resten/kutte litt av den flappen som skal være inne i kortet. Eller sy/lime en passende lomme til CD’en og lime på inni et 6x6” kort. Ikkeno mer hokus-pokus med det :)

Og tid, vel, jeg kan være en fryktelig effektiv scrapper avogtil (alle tre CD-greiene jeg viste i den siste posten lagde jeg på en kort kveld – det som evt. skulle tørkes ble satt på dagen etter..det meste jeg lager tar igrunn toppen to dager, starter sent på kvelden og avslutter i løpet av neste dag), og det meste jeg deler her i bloggen har jeg igrunn laget for en god stund siden (men ikke kunnet dele før nå) :)

Men ikveld skal jeg ikke begynne på noe, for nå skal jeg jaggu meg legge meg!
Natta folkens :)

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