
I’m fine..

I know by experience that whenever something tragic happens in a country/area I “know” people at, I’m anxious to know whether they’re fine or not because I don’t know the country nor them well enough to know whether it happened at their area or not, but I still think of them..

I’m fine, I live at the other side of the country.

Oslo is my hometown though, the city I grew up in… and it’s as far as I am aware my family is fine, and people I know seem to be accounted for..

Not sure what else to say, other than how surreal and unreal this is, happening in little Norway (yes, call me naive..but…nothing like this has ever (as far as I am aware) happened here before, nor did I really think it would..). Right now it feels weird knowing I’ll have to work this weekend!

My thoughts are with those directly affected by this…and I hope that the nation as a whole won’t give in to political, religious or racist hate..


BBC: Bomb blast at the Norwegian government quarter

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