
~~ selvskryt.. ~~


Pencil-Lines #215 with lovely Jennifer Matott – loved her sketch – so whipped out my 3ndypapir-stuff and sewing-machine for this one. This is a mix of old, more old and the newest papers.


Love using my staples Smile


And I love this retro-paper! Smile

Now, it shouldn’t be necessary to brag that “Oy, I changed the tires this year”, because truthfully, it’s quite easy (even easier if you got the right tools, which I intend to obtain before next time…but ..I think I thought about that last time too, but didn’t do anything about it, so…) and why is it so that it’s expected that men do that while it’s “oh, great for you!” when women do? (ok, the easiest would be to just put it away and let someone else do that for you, but I hate the queues at the autoserviceplaces Smile with tongue out)


Edited to add: LOL, thanks Christine for spotting that typo!! I knew there was something weird with the layout but I couldn’t quite put the finger on it..haha…thanks Open-mouthed smileOriginal image swapped out w/the fixed one now Smile

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