
Tiffany of Dream Design Weddings, offers a personal look inside...

How We Met

I haven't had much time to post our wedding bio updates lately, but I will be posting several over the next few weeks. 

I am often asked how JC and I met, so I thought it would be fitting to start my new posts at the very beginning. After all, that's how all good fairy tales begin.

We met on a fishing expedition. Now, I know you picture us on a boat, or maybe a pier, nope not even close. This was a different kind of fishing, you see John had an affinity for sports fishing, but not the type you do on the water, this type you do online, he called it trolling...

That's right folks, we met online, on a dating website appropriately named "Plenty of Fish" and although there may be plenty of fish in the sea. It is only once in a lifetime you reel in the "Prized or Perfect Catch"!!

Upcoming posts: He popped the question, Cake perfection, Decor Dilemmas 

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